Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 10:00 AM PDT Register Here Join us for a debrief of local ransomware attacks this year, and the lessons learned for all to benefit from. From prevention to recovery, get detailed processes and procedures for detecting, isolating, and...
What the experts say: Did you know nearly 60 percent of all malware attack victims this past year were small businesses? Many owners of startups and modest-sized companies assume that because they haven’t reached the financial heights of a Starwood/Marriott,...
Spam. In some ways, it’s the electronic equivalent of junk mail and junk phone calls. Spam is not only an unsolicited and annoying nuisance, it’s also a pervasive problem that’s clogging and overwhelming the Internet’s email systems. Spam...
Today’s workers are more mobile, free, and flexible than ever before. That makes them harder to protect from IT threats. Ori Levi apologized as he took the stage at an October 2017 CryptoFriends Netup meeting in Barcelona. He had been up until 6 a.m. the night...
Cybersecurity is one of the most important things to worry about when it comes to business IT operations. With the advent of the “Cryptolocker” and the other Ransomware virus’s that have become prevalent since September 2013 the potential for loss is at an all-time...