
Cloud Computing: The MSP Advantage

by | Aug 24, 2015 | Blog

It’s no secret that cloud computing is the future of computer and network care for businesses worldwide. “The cloud” eliminates the need to have physical servers and hardware in your office. Cloud computing focuses on maximizing the effectiveness of the company’s shared resources, as well as being effective in heightening companies’ day to day tasks with multiple users. It is a highly efficient way to store your company’s data in one place at a flat monthly cost, as opposed to worry about the large capital investment of new network equipment on a regular basis.

Cloud adoption and cloud-based file sharing are becoming increasingly popular among the general public, but can cause concern among CIOs. Unfortunately, IT organizations are having a hard time keeping up with large, public cloud providers. According to an article from Business Cloud News, a recent survey conducted by Fruition Partners of 100 CIOs found that 84 percent believe cloud adoption reduces their organization’s control over IT.

About nine in ten believe unsanctioned use of public cloud services has created long-term security risks. This is troubling to CIOs because it can lead to possible information leaks or other data security breaches. In addition, 79 percent of CIOs believe that there are cloud services in use that their IT department is not aware of. This reiterates the danger of losing grasp of the company’s technology while using a large cloud provider.

Partnering with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help prevent these worries from arising. A proactive relationship with an MSP gives you the ability to aid in, or fully move, to a private cloud option. It ensures that your company will be working with a partner that has experience with many cloud networks, therefore providing the highest level of support possible. This is crucial when it comes to the transition of moving your company’s data and file sharing for all users within your company at an affordable cost, while at the same time, preventing downtime on the network.

In conclusion, the value of having an MSP on your side to aid in cloud based technologies for your business is second to none. Small to midsize companies can focus on the core competencies of their business that make them money, while letting the experts control all business technology in the cloud.

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