
Microsoft is Moving to NCE in 2022

by | Jan 20, 2022 | Blog

(photo credit: Microsoft Partner Blog)

There’s a new development with how Microsoft will do business in 2022. 

Microsoft is moving to the New Commerce Experience (NCE) program in 2022. Along with this move come changes to the price for the Microsoft cloud products that you’ve been using. 

What is Microsoft NCE?

In the words of Microsoft: “The new commerce experience makes it easier to transact with Microsoft…It’s a multi-phase, long-term investment in the Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) program.”

While the NCE has been in effect for Microsoft Azure since 2019, it is officially expanding to include M365, Dynamics 365, Windows 365, and Power Platform.

Key Change Dates for NCE

  1. Between now and March 1, 2022 you can get a 5% discount until July 1st when you move certain licenses to an annual NCE subscription.

2. Convert your monthly subscription to annual before July 1, 2022 to avoid an additional 20% price increase.

What Should You Do?

If you are interested in taking advantage of the 5% discount promotion, want to avoid the 20% monthly subscription increase, or have questions about your plans, please email sales@tekmanagement.com or call 541-779-4777 (Option 1 for Sales) we are ready to help.

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