
NOTICE: Adobe Acrobat XI End of Support

by | Dec 1, 2017 | Blog, Tech Tips

Periodically we send out notification of application support that we think is relevant and worthy of your time.  This notice is regarding software for editing and manipulating PDF file formats.  If you are a reader of PDF’s this probably doesn’t affect you, but if you lean on the Adobe Acrobat for daily tasks, this notice is for you! 

On October 15th, 2017 Adobe ended support for its popular Acrobat XI suite.  (Read the Announcement.)  Acrobat XI allowed PDF creation, editing, and electronic signatures.  Many of us use Adobe to create and track original documents.  If you are in that camp, it’s time for an upgrade!

Why upgrade Adobe?

Security, Security, Security.  The weekly updates and improvements that Adobe pushes to the Acrobat product are needed to stay HIPAA and PCI compliant, as well as protection due to an outdated product.  Always keep your software patches up to date!   

What are your choices for updating?

Following in the footsteps of all the big computing giants, Adobe now offers a fully cloud-based application, Acrobat DC.  It is a subscription service of approximately $14/month and promises all the features of the desktop available everywhere, even your tablet.  This is the only product you’ll easily find on the Adobe website, but if you search the depths of the internet, you’ll discover that they still offer a desktop version at a flat rate of $299, Acrobat 2017.  Adobe isn’t advertising this at all, and has hidden it well, but it is a great option for heavy and long-term users, and its what we recommend unless you need the few specific features that the Acrobat DC offers.  See Adobe Pricing.

What’s the difference?

There are 4 slim features available in Acrobat DC and not Acrobat 2017:

  1. Send, track and confirm delivery of important documents electronically. Acrobat writes a meta-tag onto the document so it can report back as being delivered and opened.
  2. Collect e-signatures from others.
  3. Create, edit, and organize pages on your IPad or mobile device.
  4. Convert Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign files into PDF’s.

Will I have to do this again soon?

Not for 5 years.  Adobe, like other tech giants, supports their products for 5 years before end of life.

What to do?

Take a look at this product comparison and see which version is right for you.  Then make the switch.  It’s best not to wait on this if you are a frequent user, as security holes will likely be popping up in no time.

Want to do some good with your Adobe upgrade?

You can purchase Acrobat 2017 from Amazon.com via its charitable Smile network.  0.5% of your purchase to a charity of your choice.  Additionally, any shopping you do on the Smile site goes toward your charity.  Now that’s worth smiling about!

Not sure if this affects you?

Give us a call or drop us a note.  We’ll be glad to help.

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