
Tek Report – November 2013

by | Nov 2, 2013 | Blog, Newsletter





In this


Which Type of Cloud is Right for Your

How to Build and Use a Business Budget
That’s Useful
All Year Long

The Phenomena of Hashtags

Business Continuity Tip –

Business Continuity Tip
The Unknown Risk AheadWith
nearly 80% of its staff still furloughed, the Center for Disease Control is
forced to watch this year’s start to flu season from the sidelines. As a
result, it’s unclear how many Americans have been infected, how badly, and
which bugs are to blame. To make matters worse, the Mayo Clinic reports
the repercussions will continue to impact the season well after the
government reopens, stating the CDC is now, “behind the curve.”
More than ever, the importance of being prepared this year cannot be overstated. A flu outbreak can have a huge impact on your organization’s ability to operate. 
for Laughs
of the Month

Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into
flame by another human being. Each of us owes
deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this



As part of the Medford Chamber Leadership
Team I had the opportunity to learn more
about and tour some of our local nonprofit
groups serving the needs of our local
Kids Unlimited


Hearts with a Mission

Dogs for the Deaf,

The Rogue Run

Maslow Project

Jr. Achievement,


. We have some very passionate
people doing lots of good things. I provided
easy links to their organizations should you
wish to check the out. If you are contacted
during the year to support one of these
groups I would highly recommend doing so.

Kids Unlimited has a special time sensitive
request that I hope you can spare 5min of
your time to help with. Kids Unlimited’s
VIBES Charter school has a chance to win
$25,000 from US Cellular. If we make it into
the top 20 schools, we will win!

What: Help win $25,000 for
a local charter school, simply by voting in
the US cellular Calling All Communities
Campaign. If VIBES charter school makes it
into the top 20, it will win $25,000.

Why: Kids Unlimited just
launched VIBES charter school to help low
income students succeed in school and in
life. VIBES uses research backed methods to
close the education achievement gap in
Medford. With smaller class sizes, more one
on one attention, and a focus on the STEAM
(Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
and Math) VIBES is helping educate children
from the most deprived parts of Medford.
Already, we have seen a 20% improvement in
reading scores for students who started with
us in August!

$25,000 will help us build an outdoor
playground for the students of this school.

How: It’s a really simple
process that should take no more than five

  • Visit:

  • Once on Calling All Communities Page; enter our
    Zip Code (97501)

  • Vibes is on the third page; Click “Vote” next to
    our school.

  • Enter your information and email address

  • Click on link, sent from US Cellular

  • Enter zip code (97501) and vote for VIBES

Scott – President, Tekmanagement Inc.

Your comments are always welcome via email

Which type of cloud is right for your business?
used with permission from Technology at Work

OK, you’ve made the decision to move to the cloud. It’s now time to determine which cloud solution and set of supporting services is right not only for you, but potentially for your clients. After all, you’re also working with and safeguarding their data assets.

As we’ve previously touched upon, numerous public, managed, private and hybrid options abound, with varying levels of data privacy, security, flexibility and ready accessibility. Whichever solution is best for you, your business stands to benefit through lower hardware maintenance, faster access and lower support costs. Cloud computing enables you to budget and spend less on IT and focus more on delivering value.

Choosing the right type of cloud service shouldn’t be daunting, as the differences between the various types are relatively clear.


How to Build and Use a Business Budget That’s Useful All Year Long

used with permission from SBA.gov, by Caron Beesley

are difficult to plan and maintain at the best of times –
unexpected events, cash flow problems, supply chain issues
and more can all reap havoc with even the most thoroughly
planned business budgets. The other problem with budgets is
that many of us set budgets in our business and personal
lives at the beginning of the year, and then file them away
until the year-end rolls around once more.

And this is where the problem lies: your business is never
static, and your budget shouldn’t be either.

Here are some tips for developing and managing a dynamic
budget that can keep you on course all year long.

Read more

The phenomena of #hashtags
used with permission from Technology at Work

Hashtags create a system for grouping messages and allow social media users to see content, such as tweets, from people they do not follow. So, if you search #cats on Twitter, you’ll see content from around the world about cats, which there is a lot of.

Exploring topics using hashtags is simple. On Facebook and Twitter, hashtags are clickable – so you just have to select the hashtag to view more about that topic. You can also search using hashtags (as opposed to traditional keywords), but there is a difference between keyword and hashtag queries. A hashtag is always written without spacing and might not contain normal words. That means searches for “#ILoveCats” and “I love cats” would generate different results.


Tekmanagement, Inc.

800 O’Hare Parkway  |  Medford, OR  97504
|  (541) 779-4777  |


—Fred Rogers

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