
Tips for securely working from home

by | Mar 26, 2020 | Blog, Security, Tech Tips

We’re all struggling to balance the need to work from home in isolation.  Often overlooked is the need to keep ourselves safe on-line.  At work the staff at Tekmanagement makes sure you’re safe and compliant, but what can you do when you’re at home?  The link to the course below is provided by one of our favorite vendors, KnowBe4, and we want you to share it with family and friends, and stay safe on-line.  Now more than ever we need the connectivity of the internet, but we can’t overlook safety.  The course has  great tips on how to keep your information safe while using the internet. Below is the URL and password to access the home course.

Web Address: https://www.knowbe4.com/homecourse
password: homecourse

As always, if you have any questions, please give us a call or email. Contact-Us

Be safe, stay in touch, and wash your hands 🙂


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