
Tek Report May 2014

by | May 2, 2014 | Blog, Newsletter


May 2014

In this


7 security habits of highly effective PC

The Internet of Everything: Four
Technologies We’ll Actually Use within Three

Maintaining mobile safety on your smartphone

Business Continuity Tip –

Business Continuity Tip

Social Media & Disaster Recovery
There’s no doubt about it – social media is changing the way we communicate.These online tools, once thought to be for personal use only, have asserted their dominance in times of emergency as go-to sources for news and updates.

Here are two great resources to help bring sense to this subject.

Check out this on-demand webinar “Social Media & Disaster Recovery” and this blog post, “The Link between Crisis Management and Social Media.”

for Laughs
of the Month

To speak ill of others is a dishonost way of
praising ourselves. Nothing is often a good
thing to say and always a clever thing to say.

Durant (Historian)


I just came back from a conference in Texas
where I was able to talk with over 35
vendors about their new products. There was
one that stood out and we have been watching
them for a while. They provide a very cost
effective way to do web filtering outside of
your firewall appliance. This is great for
our smaller clients who do not have the
higher end firewalls with this feature built
in but still want to protect themselves from
malicious websites. One of their big claims
is that they would prevent the Crypto Locker
virus which encrypts your hard drive and
holds the contents for ransom.

If this sounds like something that your
business would benefit from please give me a
call to discuss. We are a registered
reseller for this product and can get you
the best deal available. They also have a
free version of their product that you can
use at home. This is great for those of you
with kids who want the ability to block
inappropriate internet sites.

Have a fantastic day!

Scott – President, Tekmanagement Inc.

Your comments are always welcome via email

7 security habits of highly effective PC users

used with permission from HP Technology at Work

You might not think about it when you’re browsing the web,
shopping online and interacting on social media, but you are
the first line of defense against cyber security risks. The
power to be safe is in your hands and at your fingertips. Developing
and maintaining good habits can make online activity much safer
and more enjoyable for you and your colleagues.

The following 7 good habits take only minutes to learn and
are easy enough to incorporate into your daily work life.


The Internet of Everything: Four Technologies We’ll Actually
Use within Three Years

Used with the permission of http://thenetwork.cisco.com
Kristi Essick

There is so much talk about the Internet of Everything, but
how much of it is a futuristic pipe dream? After all, for nearly
two decades, companies have tried to sell consumers Internet-connected
fridges and microwaves, automated home lighting and heating
systems, and smart entertainment devices, yet these devices
have never caught on in a big way.

Read more

Maintaining mobile safety on your smartphone

used with permission from Norton by Symantec

Our phones play an integral part in both our everyday and
business lives. But as more of us use these portable wonders,
the potential for more problems increases as well.

Because cybercriminals are actively targeting mobile devices
that lack sufficient protection,  keeping your smartphone
safe is extremely important. This includes protecting both your
software and hardware.

According to a 2013 report from London’s Metropolitan Police,
a staggering 70% of all personal crime is phone theft.* And
if someone isn’t trying to lift your device, it seems as if
everyone else is trying to hack into it and steal your files.


Tekmanagement, Inc.

800 O’Hare Parkway  |  Medford, OR  97504
|  (541) 779-4777  |


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